Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Questions for NASA & CSA Astronauts from Sydenham Community School

Jack promised his classmates he would relay their questions to NASA.  The NASA Social team has graciously said they will try to make sure each gets an answer! Today during the event Jack did actually get to ask a question of astronaut Don Pettit on behalf of his friend and classmate Ginny, who wondered, "Do solids stay solid in space?"

Here are the rest of the questions from Jack's class:

Are you afraid your air will fall out of its place or you will run out of air
when you are in space? ~ Haylie

How big are the rooms? Is everything attached to the wall? ~ Alyssa

Is it fun out there? ~ Nolan

How heavy is the space equipment? (space suits?) ~ Georgia

How much do you eat per day? What is your favourite thing to do in
space? How did you get there? Do you like it in space? ~ Tianna

How do you get in the space station? ~ Teddy

How many times do you go around the earth in one day? ~ Émilie

Have you ever gone to the moon? How big is the space station? ~ Alexis

How fast do you go to get to space? How do you get off Earth? How
many planets can you see?

Are there any animals in space? Which planet is the coldest and which
planet is the hottest? How long does it take the earth to go around the
sun? How do you celebrate celebrations? How many planets are there
in space? How do you get off Earth if you don’t have a rocket? How is
it in space?

Are you close to the moon? When do you have for dinner on the space
station? Is there a telephone? ~ Ezra

How do you talk to each other if you are from different countries?

How many months have you been there? ~ Genevieve

Thank you for answering our questions…merci bien!

Your friends in Grade 2/3 Kosempel, École Sydenham Community School, Owen Sound, Ontario

Jack will share more of his trip... right now he's pretty tired out from a big day :) Thank you so much to the NASA Social team for arranging this event and inviting us to Washington!

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